RCRC press releases and related news clips about RCRC and our member counties. Please note that a subscription may be required to read some external publications.


4 bills propose changes to California’s SB 1383 organics recycling law – Waste Dive

Legislators are seeking changes to procurement requirements and compost facility permitting after a report last year from an independent oversight agency found the state is behind on its targets.


Will EV mandate block safe commutes for California farmworkers? – CalMatters

The CalVans program in the Central Valley transports thousands of laborers to the fields. It is now trying to meet a mandate to electrify its fleet — a key test of how to make the state’s climate policies work in rural and disadvantaged areas.


Newsom proposal to fix CA insurance crisis: Speed up reviews – CalMatters

A proposal to fix California’s insurance crisis would require the insurance department to process requests from insurers more quickly. But that could end with a lot of rate increases for consumers.