A monthly update regarding the important work of RCRC's affiliated entities, providing innovative services for the benefit of rural communities.


Out Now – GSFA’s “Journey to Homeownership”, Season 2 – Episode 3 | A Leap of Faith  

“It’s that peace of mind financially that we have something that is ours that will grow,” said Toulue. “Jump in there, figure it out. See where you stand or where you are at with a lender… See what programs are there to help you out.” 

Meet Tia and Toulue Thao from Sacramento, who realized their dream of owning their own home during the global pandemic with down payment and closing cost assistance from GSFA.  In Season 2 – Episode 3 of GSFA’s “Journey to Homeownership” video series, the Thao’s discuss the impact of interest rates on homebuyers and how they decided it was the perfect time to buy, and they share words of encouragement for today’s buyers. Watch the video on the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) YouTube Channel, here.


GSFA Presents at San Benito County Board Meeting

In a presentation at the San Benito County Board of Supervisors Meeting on October 24, 2023, Golden State Finance Authority’s Director of Marketing and Stakeholder Relations, Carolyn Sunseri, gave a presentation on GSFA’s “Assist-to-Own” Down Payment Assistance program available to employees of San Benito County. 

"Assist-to-Own" Down Payment Assistance is only available to individuals who are employed by one of the GSFA Member Counties (a County Employee). Verification of employment with the eligible County is required for eligibility; however, employees can purchase or refinance anywhere in California, as long as the home will be their primary residence. The Program, with flexible qualifying guidelines, provides up to 5% in financial assistance to help employees purchase a home with little-to-no money out of pocket. 

For more information about “Assist-to-Own” Down Payment Assistance, which is part of GSFA’s Platinum Program, click here or visit www.gsfahome.org


Update from ESJPA’s Fall Board of Directors Meeting

The Rural Counties’ Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA) held its Fall Board of Directors meeting on October 19, 2023. The Board held extensive discussions on (1)  CalRecycle’s organics recycling program; and (2) how to work with recent recommendations by the Little Hoover Commission to improve its implementation for rural jurisdictions. ESJPA is exploring ways to aid member jurisdictions in leveraging state and federal grant funds for solid waste and recycling programs. To assist, ESJPA staff is working with members to help them apply for local assistance grant dollars to implement the state’s organics mandates.


GSCA Submits Grant Applications to CPUC’s Federal Fund Account/Last-Mile Program

On September 27, 2023, GSCA submitted thirty-seven applications to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Federal Fund Account (FFA)/Last-Mile Program. These applications cover proposed project areas in thirty-seven jurisdictions, including thirty member counties and seven cities therein, aimed at increasing access to reliable, affordable high-speed internet in rural California. If awarded, these applications will serve as the foundational investment for GSCA's deployment of an open-access, last mile municipal fiber network in rural California. 

GSCA serves as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Lead Agency on all projects. In that role, now that applications have been submitted, GSCA is completing the required work to review, document, and submit required CEQA determinations on each of the project areas within the thirty-seven applications to the CPUC in the next 60-90 days.  

At the same time, GSCA will be re-engaging with GSCA-partner Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) awardees to proceed with the final phase of work under the LATA grants, that of Low-Level Network Design.  

GSCA has taken the initiative to compile a comprehensive document that addresses frequently asked questions about the CPUC's Federal Fund Account/Last-Mile Program and the applications submitted by GSCA. Find the full document here.