On Thursday, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) held a meeting to discuss service quality and reliability of voice service throughout the state. Specifically, the Commission provided the in-person and virtual public forum for Service Providers, Consumer Advocates and Local and Tribal governments to respond to changes to voice service quality metrics and enforcement measures proposed by CPUC staff in the General Order 133-D proceeding. Panelists included Lake County Supervisor, Jessica Pyska, Lake County Deputy County Administrative Officer, Mathew Rothstein, Inyo County Broadband Regional Coordinator, Scott Armstrong, and Modoc County’s Assistant County Administrative Officer, Tiffany Martinez. Rural county representatives discussed the challenges and real-life impacts of having unreliable telephone service, especially in areas prone to natural disasters.  

General Order 133-D establishes uniform minimum standards of service to be observed in the operation of public utility telephone corporations when providing voice services, both wireline and wireless. Additionally, these rules set forth CPUC enforcement mechanisms when those standards are not met. The CPUC is reviewing the efficacy of the existing standards, metrics and enforcement measures through the current proceeding (R. 22-03-016), in addition to adding broadband services to the General Order. 

Public comments are accepted through the proceeding’s docket on a rolling basis. To submit public comments on this proceeding, use this link.  For more information, please contact Tracy Rhine, Senior Policy Advocate, at trhine@rcrcnet.org