RCRC, along with Santa Clara County and the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) is co-sponsoring SB 642 (Cortese, D-San Jose), which allows county counsels to bring actions to enforce violations of the state’s underground storage tank, aboveground storage tank, medical waste, and hazardous materials business plan laws.  On August 17, the California Senate approved and sent Senate Bill 642 to Governor Newsom’s desk for action. 

Under existing law, county counsels, district attorneys, city attorneys, and the Attorney General may bring actions to prosecute violations of many of the state’s hazardous waste management laws.  Unfortunately, county counsels were not similarly authorized to bring actions against those who violate other similar laws related to the storage and disposal of hazardous materials.   

SB 642 seeks to ensure that county counsels can bring actions to address the broader range of hazardous waste and hazardous materials management laws.  As enforcement actions result from referrals by local Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs), SB 642 provides local agencies with flexibility to better coordinate their resources to ensure that one agency can step in when another may be constrained by limited resources or the pursuit of other criminal cases.  Ultimately, SB 642 creates another tool in the regulatory toolbox to protect public health, the environment, and the safety of first responders who may have to respond to the accidental release of hazardous materials. 

RCRC will be urging the Governor to sign SB 642 and the letter in support can be found here.   

For more information, contact RCRC Senior Policy Advocate, John Kennedy