RCRC has been busily working with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) over the summer for robust, reliable, and affordable broadband connectivity. Most recently: 

  • RCRC submitted comprehensive feedback on a revised Staff Proposal outlining the program rules for the Broadband Loan Loss Reserve Fund. As delineated in RCRC’s comments (that can be viewed here and here), we are supportive of the “tranche” pathway that allows 100 percent of bond principal coverage; however, we are concerned that the Commission’s current proposal does not align with the Federal Funding Account process that awards points based on affordability and utilization of the statewide middle mile infrastructure. Additionally, the revised staff proposal does not appropriately prioritize the scoring of projects to reach the hardest to serve customers located in rural and disadvantaged areas left behind by the competitive marketplace. Many, if not all, high-cost projects in low density rural areas will need to leverage a suite of funding streams—including the Federal Funding Account and bond support—to build broadband infrastructure. RCRC continues to advocate for the Loan Loss Reserve Program to provide open-access infrastructure, which is the best option for affordable and reliable connectivity.  

  • RCRC and other parties informed the Commission in a prehearing conference in early August the concerns with AT&T's amended Application for "targeted" Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) relief. AT&T does not propose a replacement COLR, but instead has identified what it considers as voice alternatives, which do not have consistent regulatory treatment or service quality standards of legacy Plain Old Telephone (POTS) service, nor is there any guarantee that a customer receive service.  

On the horizon, CPUC is expected to: 

  • Submit a 5-Year Action Plan—by August 27—to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to implement the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. RCRC submitted comments as part of the Coalition for Access and Digital Equity (CADE) outlining concerns with the CPUC cost modeling for infrastructure deployment and existing broadband service mapping.   

  • Hold an in-person workshop on September 7th in Sacramento proposing improvements to minimum service quality standards and enforcement provisions governing telecommunications services. Details to be announced.  

  • Accept Federal Funding Account applications for last-mile broadband infrastructure projects until September 29, 2023 (see here).  

  • Issue a Proposed Decision (in October 2023) establishing the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Broadband Loan Loss Reserve Fund.  

  • Determine the schedule and scope of issues to arbitrate the AT&T COLR application, including whether to provide a streamlined process to terminate COLR service in the future, and how affected customers across 55 counties will be notified of this Application and provide public feedback. 

For more questions or information, please contact RCRC Senior Policy Advocate Tracy Rhine.