This week, RCRC's national advocacy partner, the National Association of Counties (NACo), hosted a webinar briefing on the county impact of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA). The Act, also known as the “Debt Limit Bill”, was the result of several rounds of negotiations between the White House and House Republican Leadership to reach agreement that would increase the debt limit, while providing a cap on spending. Of particular note, the agreement: 

  • Ensures that state and local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) dollars, including the $65.1 billion directly allocated to counties, will be preserved, providing crucial funding for rural communities.

  • Brings reforms to administrative requirements and eligibility restrictions for federal public assistance programs, while also expanding exemptions for certain programs, which may have varying impacts on rural communities.  

  • Includes new Administrative Requirements and Eligibility Restrictions, which will affect public assistance programs like SNAP and TANF.  

  • In states where counties administer those programs, the counties are responsible for implementing the changes and for reaching out to affected participants to comply with the FRA's provisions.  

  • Includes provisions for streamlining the permitting process for federally funded infrastructure projects, addressing a common challenge for rural counties.  

RCRC’s federal advocacy partners, ACG Advocacy, have prepared a synopsis of excepts and insights from NACo’s briefing, available here. NACo’s full legislative analysis is available here. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact RCRC Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, Mary-Ann Warmerdam