Announcements regarding hearings, grants, and public comment notices of importance to California's rural counties.


$32 Million Available for Clean Transportation & Planning Projects - Grant application deadline: September 8, 2023

The California Air Board (CARB) has $32.65 million available to fund multiple planning, clean transportation, and supporting projects across the State. Community-based organizations, local governments (including public school districts), and tribal governments are eligible to apply. 
The Request for Applications is a two-phase process. The first phase - Concept Phase applications - must be received by CARB no later than 11:59 pm (PDT) on Friday, September 8, 2023. Applicants will then be selected to advance to the Full Application Phase. Applicants must apply for the Concept Phase to be eligible for the Full Phase.

CARB will host two Question & Answer (Q&A) sessions in each application phase. The remaining Concept Phase Q&A session is scheduled for Tuesday, August 29, 2023.

For more information, visit CARB’s website here. If you have questions, contact RCRC Policy and Local Assistance Manager, Eric Will.


Monthly Discussions on Williamson Act Key Topics with the Department of Conservation

Join Department of Conservation staff for a monthly discussion on key topics under the Williamson Act. County staff and members of the public are invited to these hour-long, virtual sessions where staff from DOC’s Division of Land Resource Protection (DLRP) discuss select topics, provide technical assistance, and invite questions on Williamson Act implementation.

Upcoming sessions in 2023 include:

  • September 21st – Solar Use & WA Contracts
  • October 19th – WA Enrollment Finder
  • November 16th – Open Question Hour

For questions, contact For more information, please visit


Career Opportunities

  • Mendocino County is seeking a Director of Environmental Health (Salary: $102,876.80 - $125,049.60 Annually). Details are available here. Closes August 31, 2023, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
  • Yolo County is seeking applicants for the position of Chief Financial Officer. The recruitment brochure is available here.  Those interested in this executive recruitment MUST email a letter of interest and resume to This position is open until filled.


Upcoming Webinar: Strategies for Supporting Multigenerational Workplaces

Local government employers are facing a new challenge: creating a workplace culture that meets the needs of up to five generations of employees, from college graduates to near-retirees. With Gen Z being the newest members joining the public sector workforce, it is becoming clearer than ever that each generation has different outlooks on the purpose of work, what it should look like, and how workplace norms are determined. Join the Institute for Local Government (ILG) and Regional Government Services as they discuss recent multigenerational workforce data trends; the benefits and challenges of a multigenerational team; and how to create a workplace culture that satisfies employees across age groups.

Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Register Here


NACo Offers Workplace Mental Health Training

The National Association of Counties (NACo) is proud to offer an exclusive mental health training to the NACo membership in partnership with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing (NCMW). This training focuses on identifying, evaluating and responding to signs and symptoms of a mental wellbeing crisis or substance use scenario in the workplace. Equip your workforce with the skills and tools necessary to foster a supportive, high performing environment. If you are interested in learning more about the training program to see how the NACo Mental Health Workplace training may support your county, please sign up for an introduction here.


EPA Announces Over $50 Million to Assist Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Communities in Accessing Clean and Safe Drinking Water 

On June 26th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $50.4 million in annual funding to support projects and activities in underserved, small and disadvantaged communities to access and invest in water infrastructure and comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). California received an 11.8% increase in funding over 2022.  

  •  For FY 2022 and FY 2023, the EPA is also applying a waiver of the statutory 10 percent cost share to all grant applicants due to continued supply chain issues, increased costs, and addressing compliance with the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act and will be provided at the discretion of EPA. Applications are accepted through This is an ongoing process.

  • The regions will approve the final grant application package prior to submittal of the final application into  

  • Participating states should consult with their EPA regional SUDC point of contact for questions. The Region 9 contact is Daria Evans-Walker, who can be reached at


Access the State Grants Portal for a Multitude of Funding Opportunities

Billions of dollars are up for grabs to public agencies and other entities, including tribes and businesses. Grant seekers can access a centralized portal of grant and loan opportunities here, or sign up to receive new grant opportunities delivered straight to your inbox