The 2023-2024 legislative session came to a close in the late hours of Saturday August 31, 2024, as the Senate and Assembly raced to act on the final legislation of the session.  

As both houses met to take final action, Governor Newsom called a special session of the legislature, to be convened at a time to be determined, in order to address gasoline prices. In surprising response, Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast) released the following statement regarding Governor Newsom’s call for a special session: 

“We have all been working on this California Made and Clean Energy Package for months, and some of these proposals have been in discussions for the better part of a year. The Senate always had the votes and was ready to get these important measures across the finish line this legislative year and deliver the relief Californians need at the pump and on their electricity bills. We won’t be convening a special session this fall, but we look forward to continuing conversations with the Governor and Speaker about this critical issue in the days and weeks to come.” 

On September 3rd,  Governor Gavin Newsom and Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas announced legislation to prevent gasoline price spikes, as part of the Governor’s special session on gas prices. How this special session takes shape is yet to be seen. 

The Legislature will kick off the 2024-2025 Legislative Session with an Organizational Session on December 2, 2024, swearing in new members and tending to other related “housekeeping” matters.  In the meantime, several bills are on the Governor’s desk awaiting action. September 30, 2024, is the last day for the Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature. Below is a list of legislation for which RCRC has requested signature or veto by the Governor so far.  


  • Assembly Bill 2632 (Wilson) - REQUEST FOR VETO (letter coming soon) 

  • Assembly Bill 3177 (W. Carrillo) - REQUEST FOR VETO (letter coming soon)