This week the Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau) submitted to Congress the Final Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation Feasibility Report (Final Feasibility Report).  The Final Feasibility Report presents the results of planning, engineering, environmental, social, economic, and financial studies and potential benefits and effects of alternative plans.  

The Bureau also published under separate cover the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).  The Final Feasibility Report and the Final EIS will be used by Congress to determine the type and extent of federal interest in enlarging Shasta Dam and Reservoir. 

Key updates included the refinement of a construction funding/repayment approach where a non-federal cost-share is provided up-front and used to reduce the need for federal appropriations.  The Final Feasibility Report states that no final recommendation can be made until such a cost-share agreement and other relevant considerations are addressed.

The Final Feasibility Report and related documents can be accessed here.