This week, Assembly Budget Subcommittee #3 concurred with the actions previously taken by Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee #2 relating to State Payment In-Lieu of Taxes (PILT) monies owed to 36 counties.  The motion to concur with the Senate action was made by Assembly Member Richard Gordon.  

The Assembly Subcommittee:

  • Approved the Administration’s proposed 2015-16 fiscal year appropriation in the amount of $644,000 (General Fund);
  • Approved the Administration’s budget trailer bill language but struck the  language which would have made payment of PILT to counties permissive; and,
  • Added an $8 million (General Fund) appropriation for payment of the PILT arrears.

RCRC’s letter to the Assembly Budget Subcommittee can be accessed here.

While the two houses have concurred, it is possible that PILT may become a topic of discussion in the Joint State Budget Conference Committee and/or State Budget negotiations with the Administration.