RCRC members are encouraged to submit comments on regulatory matters to state and federal regulatory bodies, and to provide a copy to RCRC’s Government Affairs staff. 

Notice of Availability of Modifications to the Text of Proposed Rulemaking Pertaining to Surface Mining Operation Inspections.  The modifications to the proposed regulatory language is intended to implement the improvements and updates to Public Resources Code Section 2774 based upon the statutory changes made by Assembly Bill 1142 (Grey, 2016).  Agency: Department of Conservation State Mining and Geology Board Status: The 15-day public notice for comments for the modifications ends November 17, 2017.   Final consideration for adoption is scheduled for December 14, 2017.  The notice and draft update can be accessed hereRCRC Comments: Staff submitted comments and suggested language for consideration.  RCRC Advocate: Mary Pitto mpitto@rcrcnet.org

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Pertaining to SMARA Fees Schedule.  The proposed regulatory language is intended to enact the revisions to Public Resources Code Section 2207 based upon the statutory changes made by Senate Bill 209 (Pavley, 2016) to address the fees calculation formula, and to maintain a more equitable fee schedule for relatively smaller operations.  Agency: Department of Conservation State Mining and Geology Board Status: The draft was published September 29, 2017, with comments due by November 13, 2017, and final consideration for adoption anticipated in December 14, 2017.  The notice and draft update can be accessed here.  RCRC Comments: Staff is seeking input from member counties.  RCRC Advocate: Mary Pitto mpitto@rcrcnet.org

Senate Bill 1383 Organics Diversion from Landfills Informal Draft RegulationsSenate Bill 1383 (Lara, 2016) established methane emissions reduction targets in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) from various California sectors.  SB 1383 included goals of reducing organics from landfills by 50 percent in 2020 and 75 percent by 2025.  Informal stakeholder workshops were held October 30, 2017 in Sacramento, and November 2, 2017 in Huntington Beach.  Agency: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Status: The draft language was released October 25, 2017, with comments due November 15, 2017.  Additional information and draft regulations can be accessed here.  RCRC Comments:  Staff comments can be accessed here.  RCRC Advocate: Mary Pitto mpitto@rcrcnet.org