Senate Bill 239 by Senator Robert Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) would establish a new Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) process related to the extension of fire services, by contract or agreement, outside of a public agency’s current boundaries.  RCRC urges member counties to join in opposition of this legislation. 

Among the most troubling provisions of SB 239 is language that would in effect, allow a “recognized employee organization” to veto a local governing board’s decision to contract for fire services.  

SB 239 would also increase local agency costs by requiring extensive new LAFCO proceedings relating solely to fire protection services.  SB 239 would require the adoption of a resolution of application that includes the previously referenced “permission” of the employee organization(s), a public hearing, a detailed plan for services and a comprehensive fiscal analysis, among other things.   

SB 239 is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Governance and Finance Committee on Wednesday, April 29, 2015.  RCRC urges member counties to send a letter of opposition to SB 239 to the Committee.

The text of SB 239 can be accessed here.  The members of the Senate Governance and Finance Committee can be accessed here.  RCRC’s opposition letter can be accessed here.  To obtain a member county template letter, please email