This week, RCRC urged the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) to support the Senate Bill 844 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) Executive Steering Committee’s (ESC) recommendations for local jail construction funding, which was included as part of the final 2016-17 State Budget Package to address local detention and programming capacity needs.  As with prior jail construction funding programs, the SB 844 ESC was charged with developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide recommendations for program development, selection criteria, and application requirements. 

The SB 844 ESC continued to support key components of previous jail construction programs, including dedicated funding for small counties and the opportunity to request a reduced match requirement.  Additionally, the SB 844 RFP contains $150 million for small counties, $30 million for medium-sized counties, and $70 million for large-sized counties, and monies will be targeted to counties that have received either no previous funding or partial funding to support their local detention facility needs.  The BSCC is anticipated to adopt the SB 844 RFP at their meeting next week.