On Tuesday, the California Water Foundation (CWF) released its groundwater management recommendations prepared for the Brown Administration and the State Legislature.  It is anticipated that the recommendations will be incorporated into Senate Bill 1168 (Pavley). 

The CWF’s recommendations for sustainable groundwater management are:

 ·        Adopt a definition of “sustainable groundwater management;

·         Develop a statewide program that establishes a system of prioritization for all sub-basins;

·         Establish local groundwater management entities (LGME’s);

·         Provide LGME’s with tools and authorities to achieve sustainability;

·         Require LGME’s to develop management plans with benchmarks and milestones;

·         Establish a clear a coordinated state role for assistance, oversight, and enforcement; and,

·         Provide funding for groundwater management.

RCRC staff is in the process of analyzing the CWF recommendations.  The CWF press release can be accessedhere. The CWF report can be accessed here.

For additional information, please contact RCRC Legislative Advocate Kathy Mannion at (916) 447-4806 orkmannion@rcrcnet.org.