RCRC and fellow local government entities CSAC and the League of California Cities (LCC) have taken an oppose position on SB 1270 regarding surface mining regulations under SMARA.  SB 1270 would undermine local land use planning authority. By proposing to shift lead agency status for mining inspections and financial assurances of surface mining activities from counties or cities to the state, the bill erodes the ability for a local jurisdiction to work with mining operations for the benefit of the local community, and could even create direct costs on those jurisdictions that operate their own mines for public works projects. 

RCRC staff is requesting that counties draft letters to express their opposition, and has drafted a sample letter for individual counties to utilize as a reference when creating their own letters on the measure. Additionally, the joint letter between RCRC, CSAC, and LCC can be accessed here.

For additional information, or to request a copy of the template letter, please contact RCRC Legislative Advocate Cyndi Hillery at (916) 447-4806 or chillery@rcrcnet.org.