The development of groundwater management legislation is the focus of discussions during the legislative summer recess.  The first meeting of interested stakeholders was held July 2, 2014, the second was held July 10, 2014, and the third on July 16, 2014.  Senator Fran Pavley, author of Senate Bill 1168, and Assembly Member Roger Dickinson, author of Assembly Bill 1739, intend to meld their two bills into one comprehensive bill for consideration when the Legislature returns in August.  The Administration is also very involved in ongoing discussions.

The second facilitated discussion focused on four specific questions relating to the following:

  • High and Medium and Low and Very Low Priority sub-basins;
  • Modification of sub-basin/basin boundaries;
  • Land use/water use restrictions; and
  • Local authorities for sustainable groundwater management.

The third stakeholder meeting focused on questions relating to the following:

  • Evaluation of Plans;
  • Implementation of audits;
  • When the State should be authorized to intervene; and
  • Additional features of an intervention process.

The agenda and discussion document from the July 10th meeting can be accessed here.  The discussion document from the July 16th meeting can be accessed here.  Please submit county responses to the posed questions to RCRC Legislative Advocate Kathy Mannion at