The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) will hold a workshop on May 20, 2014 to receive comments regarding options for drought-related curtailments of post-1914 water rights in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.  Curtailing water use during the current drought could occur when natural flows in the Delta Watershed are inadequate to support all diversions and in-stream beneficial uses. 

Curtailments are necessary so that previously stored water is not illegally diverted, and water is available for senior water right users, minimal public trust water uses such as fish and wildlife protection, and minimum health and safety and other critical water uses.

Under current conditions, the SWRCB anticipates needing to take action to curtail water use in the Delta Watershed.  There are several options for curtailing diversions, including:

1.    Curtailment to Protect Senior Water Rights and Stored Water Releases Based on Reported Water Use Under Existing Authorities;

2.    Curtailment to Protect Senior Rights and Stored Water Releases Based on Reported Water Use Through Emergency Regulations;

3.    Curtailment Based on a Term 91 Approach Requiring Diverters in Addition to Reclamation and the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to Bypass Flows to Provide Delta Outflows and Water Quality Requirements; and,

4.    Curtailment Based on an Approach Similar to Term 91 Requiring Reclamation and DWR to Meet Delta Outflow Requirements Without Contributions from Other Diverters.

No formal action will be taken at this workshop. Full details on the May 20th workshop can be accessed here.

For additional information, please contact RCRC Legislative Advocate Kathy Mannion at (916) 447-4806