California State Park reforms were the subject of a Joint Legislative Informational and Oversight hearing earlier this week.  John Laird, Secretary, Natural Resources Agency, Lisa Mangat, Acting Director, Department of Parks and Recreation (Department), and Steve Szalay, Special Advisor to the Department, testified before the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee and the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee regarding the Parks Forward Commission (Commission) Final Report (Report) released earlier this month.


Assemblymember Mark Levine, Chair of the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee provided opening comments, stated that the Department management mishap in 2012 that lead to the threat of closing 70 state parks created a lack of trust among the Legislature and the people of California, and he welcomed the Commissions’ work and recommendations.

The plan for change developed by the Transformation Team includes a number of initiatives that follow the Commissions four basic themes of changing the organizational structure, creating new and stronger public/private/philanthropic partnerships, preserving natural resources, expanding park access for underserved communities and increasing urban populations, and establishing a stable funding source.

The Report can be accessed here.  The Transformation Team Draft Plan can be accessed here.  The California State Parks, Per Unit Costing Report can be accessed here.  The hearing agenda and background information can be accessed here.