RCRC members are encouraged to share letters addressed to state and federal representatives and regulatory bodies with RCRC’s Government Affairs staff.

AB 1331 (Rendon): Clean, Safe and Reliable Drinking Water Act of 2014.  AB 1331 would repeal the provisions of the 2012 Water Bond currently on the November 2014 ballot, and would, if adopted by voters, authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $8 billion pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a clean, safe and reliable drinking water program.  Status: Passed out of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.  RCRC Position: Amendments Requested

SB 1410 (Wolk & Nielsen): Wildlife Management Areas: Payments.  SB 1410 would appropriate $19 million from the General Fund to the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) to make payments to counties for past due PILT obligations.  SB 1410 also appropriates $2 million annually, beginning in the 2014-2015 fiscal year, to DFW for ongoing annual payments to the impacted counties.  Status: Placed on the Senate Appropriations Committee Suspense File.  RCRC Position: Support