On Thursday, RCRC First Vice Chair Lee Adams (Sierra County) testified on behalf of RCRC before the California Air Resources Board (Board) on the proposed First Update to the Assembly Bill 32 Scoping Plan (Scoping Plan).  The Scoping Plan is the document that lays out the State’s strategies to achieve the 2020 and 2050 emissions reductions goals set by the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, more commonly known as AB 32, and is a mixture of regulations, incentive programs, and monitoring approaches.  By law, the Scoping Plan must be updated every five years to reflect achievements made by the state and to prescribe additional regulations and programs if necessary. 

RCRC has been involved in AB 32 implementation since it was signed in 2006, and has continued to weigh in on the Scoping Plan Update as it was being developed.  During his testimony, Supervisor Adams stressed RCRC’s main concerns with the Scoping Plan Update, including the lack of support for Williamson Act subvention payments, a deficient plan for engaging the U.S. Forest Service in forest management and fuels treatment activities, and potential local issues surrounding organics management in solid waste facilities.  While the Board was sympathetic, Chair Mary Nichols urged RCRC to continue seeking Williamson Act funding through the State Budget process.

Ultimately, after hours of public testimony, the Board unanimously adopted the Scoping Plan Update as proposed by staff. The Scoping Plan Update and all related materials can be accessed here. RCRC’s comment letter on the Scoping Plan Update can be accessed here.

For additional information, please contact RCRC Regulatory Affairs Advocates Staci Heaton (sheaton@rcrcnet.org) or Mary Pitto (mpitto@rcrcnet.org) at (916) 447-4806.