RCRC members are encouraged to share letters addressed to state and federal representatives and regulatory bodies with RCRC’s Government Affairs staff.    

SB 58 (McGuire): Wildlife Management Areas: Payment of Taxes and Assessments.  Senate Bill 58 will return the ‘may’ back to ‘shall’ in Fish and Game Code Section 1504 making future State Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payments required rather than permissive.  Status: SB 58 passed out of the Senate Natural Resources Committee.  RCRC Position: Sponsor/Support

SB 252 (Dodd): Water Wells.  Senate Bill 252 would require a city or county overlying a critically overdrafted basin to make certain information about the new well included in the application for a well permit publicly available and easily accessible, and to undertake a notice and comment period.  The bill would also prohibit a new water well from being developed in a critically overdrafted basin except in compliance with these provisions.  The bill would require a city or county overlying a critically overdrafted basin to be in compliance with these provisions to be eligible to receive state funding for groundwater recharge or other water supply projects.  Status: SB 252 awaits action in the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee.  RCRC Position: Concerns