On August 26, 2015, the California Department of Water Resources and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation submitted a joint petition for change in water right permit and license conditions for the State Water Project and Central Valley Project.  The petition seeks to add points of diversion of water on the Sacramento River associated with the California WaterFix project to the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board). 

The proposed facilities would divert water near Courtland and route it around the Delta through two tunnels to the existing State and federal pumping facilities in Tracy.  In order for the State Water Board to approve the change petition, the petitioner must demonstrate that the change will not injure any legal user of the water involved; provide information concerning the extent to which fish and wildlife would be affected by the change; and, identify proposed measures to protect fish and wildlife from any unreasonable impacts of the change.  Additionally, the petitioner must demonstrate that the proposed change will comply with the State and federal Endangered Species Acts, and demonstrate compliance with CEQA. 

A public notice for the petition will be provided and posted on the California WaterFix website in the near future identifying how the public can provide input on this matter.  The State Water Board anticipates holding an evidentiary hearing where interested parties will be given the opportunity to present evidence and argument about whether and under what conditions the petition should be approved.

Full details can be accessed here.