In October 2010, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) published a guidance document titled “Implementing California Flood Legislation into Local Land Use Planning: A Handbook for Local Communities (Handbook).”  The Handbook was prepared to provide technical assistance to cities, counties, and local agencies in complying with the 2007 California flood legislation relating to flood risk management and local land use planning.  DWR has now released an Addendum to the Handbook to address changes since its publication in 2010. 

These changes include legislative amendments since the 2007 flood legislation and the key DWR program products as they relate to the local land use planning requirements.  The Addendum is intended to help cities and counties comply with the continuing and evolving implementation of the 2007 flood legislation, and to be used in conjunction with the original Handbook, the Guidance on General Plan Amendments for Addressing Flood Risk, and other updated references and information that are more current.  The Addendum can be accessed here.  Additional information is available on the Local Flood Risk Planning and Guidance website, accessed here.