On Tuesday, the Brown Administration, in coordination with Senator Pavley and Assembly Member Dickinson, released amendments which are proposed to be amended into Senate Bill 1168 (Pavley) and Assembly Bill 1739 (Dickinson), along with a summary of the legislation. Both bills will be amended to mirror each other when the Legislature returns from their summer recess on August 4, 2014. 

Both bills are currently in the second house Appropriations Committee.  At some point before the end of the legislative session on August 31, 2014, the bill language may be apportioned between the two bills. The proposed amendments can be accessed here. The bill summary can be accessed here.

RCRC Staff is requesting member county comments on the proposed amendments. Please contact RCRC Legislative Advocate Kathy Mannion at kmannion@rcrcnet.org with any questions, concerns, and/or comments.